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    Tuesday, 21 February 2017

    pictorial Description of 25 Technological Abbreviations and their Meaning

    pictorial Description of 25 Technological Abbreviations and their Meaning

    Most of us have been using some common technological abbreviations or acronyms on the internet and in our daily conversations without knowing the details or meaning of these terms, though many don't care to search for the meaning.

    I was surfing the net, then I came across this wonderful post on Instagram@didyouknowpage, this guy pictorialize some technological abbreviations, so I decided to ask for permission to share on this blog.

    Here is a list of some commonly used technological abbreviations and their meaning.

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning sms

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning pdf

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning vpn

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning CCTV

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning Gif

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning url

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning JPEG

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning LTE

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning lan

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning ip 
    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning lcd

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning dvd

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning CAPTCHA

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning Www

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning SD card

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning mpeg

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning ssl

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning sql

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning isp

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning png

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning gpi

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning gps

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning hdmi

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning http

    Technological abbreviation acronyms meaning html

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